
*: Alphabetical order or Equal contribution.

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Journal Papers

  1. Fundamental Limits and Tradeoffs in Invariant Representation Learning

  2. Identifiability of Nonparametric Mixture Models and Bayes Optimal Clustering

Conference Papers

  1. Understanding Why Generalized Reweighting Does Not Improve Over ERM

  2. Boosted CVaR Classification

  3. DORO: Distributional and Outlier Robust Optimization

  4. Learning Complexity of Simulated Annealing

  5. Sharp Statistical Guarantees for Adversarially Robust Gaussian Classification

  6. Class-Weighted Classification: Trade-offs and Robust Approaches

  7. Learning Sparse Nonparametric DAGs

  8. MACER: Attack-free and Scalable Robust Training via Maximizing Certified Radius

  9. Optimal Analysis of Subset-Selection Based L_p Low Rank Approximation

  10. Bilu-Linial Stability, Certified Algorithms and the Independent Set Problem

  11. The Sample Complexity of Semi-Supervised Learning with Nonparametric Mixture Models

  12. Low Rank Approximation of Binary Matrices: Column Subset Selection and Generalizations


  1. MSG: Margin Sensitive Group Risk

  2. Adversarially Robust Generalization Just Requires More Unlabeled Data


Statistical Learning Under Adversarial Distribution Shift

PhD Thesis, Carnegie Mellon University

PDF (draft)

Thesis Committee: Pradeep Ravikumar (Chair), Avrim Blum, Zico Kolter, Yuting Wei, Zachary Lipton

On Low Rank Approximation of Binary Matrices , 二元矩阵的低秩近似

Bachelor Thesis, Peking University

PDF (In Chinese)

Thesis Advisor: Prof. Liwei Wang.

Top-10 Bachelor Thesis Award in School of EECS, 2016 (The only recipient in department of Machine Intelligence)